Samantha Shields, Ph.D.

Associate Director of Curriculum Development
Office: 232B BlockerPhone: 979-845-0116
Resume / CV
Samantha “Sam” Shields is the Associate Director of Curriculum Development at Texas A&M University’s Center for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Shields brings to the Center an extensive array of teaching experience, both in the K-12 environment and higher education, where she taught in both STEM fields and teacher preparation.
As an Associate Director, she is passionate about facilitating Program (Re)Designs, a faculty-led, data-informed process aimed to assist programs in creating a more learner-centered, relevant, and current curriculum. Dr. Shields works collaboratively with teams of program stakeholders to transform and enhance their program and pedagogical practices with a vast array of evidence-based instructional strategies designed to engage and motivate students. In addition to transformational teaching and learning, she also brings a passion and background in instruction in 21st Century active learning spaces, the re-design of gateway courses, and both project-based and team-based learning.
Research Focus:
- Teaching and Learning/Instruction
- STEM Education
- Educational Development
- Curriculum Design
Areas of Expertise:
- Program Design and (Re)Design
- Course Design (Large Intro Courses)
- Teaching and Learning (STEM Emphasis)
- Innovative Pedagogies
Leadership & Service:
- Innovative Learning Classroom Building (ILCB) Contact
- Texas A&M University-Qatar Liaison
- University Curriculum Committee (UCC) Member - Ex Officio