Faculty Student Advisory Board
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Faculty & Student Advisory Board (FSAB) is made up of 2-3 faculty members from each college or school, a graduate student representative, a post-doctoral representative, and additional representatives from the Faculty Affairs, the Provost Office, and the CTE. Members, who serve a 2-year term, are known for their interest and engagement in teaching and learning. The FSAB generally meets 3-4 times an academic year (once or twice in the Fall and once or twice in the Spring) for 1.5 hours. Occasionally, FSAB members may receive email inquiries from the Center seeking feedback and advice on important issues and initiatives.

College of Engineering

School of Performance, Visualization, and Fine Arts

Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Post-Doctoral Association

School of Architecture

School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Health Science Center

College of Arts & Sciences
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Office of the Provost, Faculty Affairs

Bush School of Government and Public Service

School of Education and Human Development

School of Medicine

College of Engineering

Health Science Center

Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Evaluation

School of Physics and Astronomy

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

School of Architecture


College of Arts and Sciences