Michele Vick, M.Ed.

Educational Consultant
Office: Blocker 236BPhone: 979-458-3966
Contact: michelevick@tamu.edu
Resume / CV
As an Educational Consultant within the English Language Proficiency Program (ELP) at the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), Michele Vick brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective to her role. Drawing from 15+ years of living and teaching in North Africa and the Middle East, Michele focuses on providing linguistic support to international professors, teaching assistants, and graduate students for whom English is not their mother tongue. Through diagnostic interviews, private consultations, and class observations, Michele identifies areas of strength and weakness, tailoring her approach to enhance fluency and accuracy with the ultimate goal of ensuring clear and effective communication. Additionally, she designs and leads interactive workshops on grammar and conversation, aiming to boost the spoken English proficiency and confidence of CTE-ELP clients.
Holding a Diploma in English Language Teaching (DELTA) from Cambridge and a Master's in Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education, with a specialization in Mind, Brain, Education, Michele leverages her academic background to inform her practice. Her extensive experience includes teacher training workshops and conference presentations, reflecting her dedication to empowering educators with effective research-based strategies. In addition to her role in the English Language Proficiency Program, Michele contributes her insights to the CTE's AI Working Group, providing guidance on educator and student use of Generative AI.
Area of Expertise:
- English Language Proficiency
- Second Language Acquisition
- Intercultural Competence
- Adult Learning
- Digital Literacy
- EdTech Integration
- Career Pathways for Internationally Trained Professionals
Leadership & Service:
- Member of the Education Task Force for the Texas Comptroller's Broadband Development Office, Spring/Summer 2023