Jean Layne, M.S.

Lead Educational Consultant
Office: 232F BlockerPhone: 979.862.4269
As Lead Educational Consultant at Center for Teaching Excellence, Jean Layne collaborates with the CTE team to coordinate services for individual faculty and programs for groups of faculty. The goal of these efforts is to provide evidence-based information on best practices for analyzing, enhancing, and achieving impact in teaching.
Her individual consultation work includes review of syllabus and course design, observation feedback on classroom teaching, response plans for student evaluation data, and assistance with teaching impact statements. Workshops she leads of collaborates on like “Getting Started with Active Learning” or “Syllabus and Course Design” address application of practical topics related to teaching and learning in the context of current literature and institutional priorities. Her experience also includes managing Communities of Scholars focused on aspects of teaching such as High-Impact Practices and conducting preparation sessions for departments establishing procedures for Peer Review of Teaching.
Areas of Expertise:
- Active Learning and Student Engagement
- Assessment for Learning
- Connecting Faculty and Student Success
- Learning Outcomes and Course Design
- Course Development Guide and Syllabus
- Interpreting and Acting on Student Evaluation Feedback
- Describing Teaching Impact